Using templates

Templates are drawings with content for which you can start a new drawing. Create a template with company logos or title blocks to be reused repeatedly, to improve your entire team's productivity.

Creating a template

Creating a template
Creating a template

To create a template, right click on a drawing in dashboard, and select Make template.

Templates are always created at the root folder of Home or Teams, at the top of your dashboard.

Creating a new drawing from a template

Creating a new drawing from a template
Creating a new drawing from a template

To create a new drawing from a template, click on the New button.

Editing a template

Editing a template
Editing a template

To edit a template, click on Edit button.

Using Capital X Panel Designer template

To improve your productivity, Capital X Panel Designer has created an extensive list of templates for your usage.

Click on more templates to see an extensive list of templates
Click on more templates to see an extensive list of templates

To use Capital X Panel Designer templates, click on More templates button.

Browsing Capital X Panel Designer templates

Browse through extensive list of ready made templates
Browse through extensive list of ready made templates
Capital™ X Panel Designer