The ladder zone shape

The ladder zone symbol

Drag and drop the Ladder Zone symbol onto your drawings to create ladder diagrams.

Symbols and wires in a ladder zone gets automatically renamed according to their rung numbers. If a number is used, it is automatically incremented to the next number.

To increase the height of a rung, drag on the yellow controls handles on the Ladder Zone symbol. When a rung is moved, all symbols attached to the rung will be automatically moved.

The Ladder Zone symbol in JIC Symbols stencil
The Ladder Zone symbol in JIC Symbols stencil

Using ladder zone

To use the Ladder Zone shape:

  • Drag and drop the Ladder Zone symbol onto your drawing.
Using Ladder Zone symbol

Rung numbers, and ladder zone sizing can be customized by right clicking on the Ladder Zone symbol and selecting Set Ladder Zone. The Ladder Zone symbol green grid lines are for display on drawings only and is not visible when printed.

Editing Ladder Zone
Editing Ladder Zone
Capital™ X Panel Designer