Terms of Use

Terms of Use
These Term of Use ("terms") govern the use of Capital Electra X's website, diagramming tools and other online products and services (Collectively, "Services"). By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you don not agree with these terms, please do not use the Services. If you are accessing and / or using the Services on behalf of a company or other legally registered entity, you warrant the authority to represent and bind that company or legal entities to these terms. In such case, "you" and "your" refer to that company or legal entity.

Who may use the Services
You may use and access Capital Electra X only via a Capital Electra X account ("Account"), which you have to create via Capital Electra X's website. You are responsible for all activities that occur within your Account, regardless if you know about them.
A Capital Electra X account belongs to the person whose email address is used to create the account.

Using the Services
The Services offers a browser based online diagramming tool that allows teams to collaborate in real-time to create diagrams ("Drawing").
You are granted permission to use the Services if you have a Capital Electra X account. However, you are prohibited to use the Services for engagement in the following activities:
- Modifying or duplicating Capital Electra X's material without written consensus.
- Reverse engineering, decompilation and disassembling of the Services.
- Accessing the Services via automated system such as “robots”, “spiders” etc. that sends more request messages to Capital Electra X servers than a human can reasonably execute in the same period of time.
- Activities of commercial purpose such as renting, leasing, lending or providing commercial hosting services to third parties with the Services.
- Creation, promotion and distribution of materials that are of the following qualities: defamatory, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive, discriminatory, racist, hateful, harassing or harmful against any individual or group.
Capital Electra X reserves the right to terminate your access to the Services without prior notice if you are found to violate any of these Terms.

Rights of content and material
You may use the Services to create and modify Drawings and other graphic materials (collectively, “User Content”). The copyright of your User Content belongs to you. You may freely distribute User Content owned by you on medium such as internet, TV, printed media etc.
Capital Electra X also provides readily-designed Drawings and other graphic materials in SVG format (collectively, “Capital Electra X Content”) for your convenience. Capital Electra X owns the copyright of said Capital Electra X Content. You may not claim ownership and distribute the unedited Capital Electra X Content without crediting Capital Electra X; however you may modify, customize and apply these Content within the Services.
For the purpose of this document, the word “Content” is referring to the collective of both Capital Electra X Content and User Content.

Capital Electra X does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of Content found within the Services. The responsibility of verifying Content's accuracy and its appropriate application lies entirely on the Users; Capital Electra X is not liable for any loss or damages caused by the use of or exposure to Content available within the Services.
You are expected to comply with all applicable local laws. Claim related to Capital Electra X's website and Services is governed by the laws of Malaysia.

Reservation of Rights
All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Capital Electra X.

Updates and revision
While we make our best effort to ensure the accuracy of information found within the Services, we do not guarantee that all information are accurate, complete or current. We may update this information at any time to reflect changes in our Services without prior notice. However, Capital Electra X does not commit to update information available in the Capital Electra X website and the Services indefinitely.

Privacy Policy
Capital Electra X respects our users' privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy on our practice in collecting and protecting your personal information.

Dispute / Contact
For any question, feedback or complaints regarding this Agreement, please contact us at:
Email: support@radicasoftware.com Phone: +6052538878
25A, Jalan Greentown 3, Greentown Nova, 30450 Ipoh, Malaysia.
Capital™ X Panel Designer