Using Clip Path

Clip Path is used to mark out certain region of a shape.

Clipper (must be a single shape) is a shape that is on top of another while Clippy (can be multiple shapes but grouped) is a shape that lies behind the clipper.

Only the region that is bounded by the Clipper of the Clippy can be seen after clipping.

Note: A clipper can be any basic shapes, but it cannot be a grouped shape.

Create clip path

To create clip path:

  • Select two shapes using pointer tool

  • Right click, select Operations | Set Clip Path

Set Clip path
Set Clip path
Result of clip path
Result of clip path

Text clipper

Text can be clipper too.


  • Outline Text

  • Perform Union

  • Select text and shape and then set clip path

Perform Outline text then Union
Perform Outline text then Union
Before set clip path
Before set clip path
After set clip path
After set clip path

Remove clip path

To remove clip path:

  • Select a clipped shape using pointer tool

  • Right click, select Operations | Remove Clip Path

Remove clip path
Remove clip path
Capital™ X Panel Designer