
What are plugins?

Plugins are full blown Javascript codes that you can run in Capital X Panel Designer to automate drawings or perform any tasks you can dream of, to maximize productivity.

Plugins can be used to draw a fractal trees, create charts, generate reports, automatically draw a flow chart and many more.

To understand how Capital X Panel Designer's object model works, and see a detail explanation on how to create plugins, please see the API documentation.

Plugins can be divided into Personal, Team or Public plugins.

Personal plugins

Personal plugins

Personal plugins are most suitable for scripts that can be used by others but can only be modified by you.

You can control which team to share your personal plugins, where all team members can use or execute your scripts, but not modify them.

Team plugins

Team plugins

Team plugins can be created and modified by any team members with Owner or Edit and share permissions. They are most suitable when creating plugins in a collaborative manner, where other team members can modify and improve on the plugin.

Team plugins can also be shared to other teams, but edit and delete access will still be limited to Owner and Edit and share permissions.

Public plugins

Public plugins can be used by anyone, but modification of the plugin is limited to Owner or Edit and share permissions only, depending on whether the plugin is a personal plugin or a team plugin.

Public plugins

Because of security and privacy issues, public plugins are (currently) limited to those supplied by Capital X Panel Designer.

When available to everyone, these public plugins will be vetted to ensure security and privacy.

Accessing and using plugins

Accessing plugins using the plugin menu
Accessing plugins using the plugin menu

To use a plugin:

  • Click on the Plugin menu, then select a plugin

Once selected, your plugin will be focused on the Personal, Team or Public tabs on the left bar.

Plugin categorization

You can organize your plugins into different groups by assigning them into categories.

To assign the plugins into categories:

  • Right click on the plugin and select Edit script.
  • In the Plugin category field, type in one or more categories of your choice and separate them with a comma. Click OK.

Now, your plugins will be grouped under different categories on the Plugins tab.

Capital X Panel Designer's Sample plugin categorization
Capital X Panel Designer's Sample plugin categorization

You can click on the category name to expand or collapse that category.

Collapse all plugins

To collapse all plugins:

  • Click on the Plugin menu, then click on Collapse all plugins.

Plugin size

To change plugin size:

  • Click on the Plugin menu, then on Plugin size.
Capital X Panel Designer's Plugin size menu
Capital X Panel Designer's Plugin size menu
Sample plugin size in Capital X Panel Designer
Sample plugin size in Capital X Panel Designer

Choose from three to six columns with three columns being the default.

Running a plugin

Click on the run icon to run a plugin
Click on the run icon to run a plugin

To run a plugin:

  • Hover over the plugin and click on the Run icon

Automatically running plugins when drawing loads

Automatically run these plugins when page loads
Automatically run these plugins when page loads

To automatically run a plugin when the drawing loads:

  • Right click on a plugin and select Auto run script

Stopping an automatically run plugin

To stop an automatically run plugin:

  • Right click on the plugin in Automatically run plugins and select Stop script

Creating a plugin

Creating a new plugin
Creating a new plugin

To create a new plugin:

  • Click on the dot menu for personal or team plugins
  • Then select New plugin


  • Click on the Plugin menu, hover on New plugin .
  • Then create a personal or team plugin.
Creating a new plugin
Creating a new plugin

Editing the plugin script

Edit plugin menu
Edit plugin menu

To edit the plugin script:

  • Right click on the plugin and select Edit script

Once the code editor is opened, you can write or paste codes.

The code editor
The code editor

To save your code:

  • Click on the Save button in the code editor

To run your code:

  • Click on the Run button in the code editor

Renaming and editing a plugin

To rename or edit a plugin:

  • Right click on a plugin and select Edit plugin
Edit plugin dialog
Edit plugin dialog

Editing plugin icons

To edit a plugin icon:

  • Right click on a plugin and select Edit icon

Refreshing a plugin

After editing plugin icons, you will need to Refresh the plugin to see the latest changes.

To refresh a plugin:

  • Right click on a plugin and select Refresh

Sharing a plugin to other teams

To share a plugin:

  • Right click on the plugin and select Share plugin
Sharing plugins
Sharing plugins

On the Share plugin dialog, simply click to select the teams you wanted to share to.

Finding plugins

To find plugins:

  • Click on Find plugins and type away
  • Select a plugin to show the plugin
Finding plugins with results
Finding plugins with results
Capital™ X Panel Designer