Using painter

Capital X Panel Designer has a powerful painter tool to copy shape properties from one shape to others easily, including the format, color, formula, size and json to enhance your productivity.

Capital X Panel Designer's powerful painter
Capital X Panel Designer's powerful painter

How to use painter

In single mode :

  • Select a shape
  • Click the painter icon
  • Select a painter option
  • Click on other shape
How to use painter in single mode
How to use painter in single mode

How to use multi-mode

Users can also use painter to copy or transfer shape properties to multiple shapes at once. After copied once, the painter would duplicate the copied properties to other shapes, without the need to copy and paste the properties over and over again.

In multi-mode :

  • Select a shape
  • Double Click the painter icon
  • Select a painter option
  • Click on other shape
How to use painter in multiple mode
How to use painter in multiple mode

Using format painter

Format painter allows users to copy all the styling of a shape to other shapes including line style, color, line weight, etc.

How to use format painter
How to use format painter

Using color painter

Color painter allows users to copy the color from one shape to other shapes.

How to use color painter
How to use color painter

Using formula painter

Formula painter allows users to copy the customized formula from one shape to other shapes.

How to use formula painter
How to use formula painter

Using json painter

Json painter allows users to copy the customized json from one shape to other shapes.

How to use json painter
How to use json painter

 See also 

Capital™ X Panel Designer