Multiple pages

The Pages menu is used to manage the pages of a drawing.

Pages menu
Pages menu

Adding a new page

To append a new page to the last page:

  • Click on the + icon on pages menu.

To insert a new page next to the current page:

  • Click on the dropdown and select Insert page.
Insert or append a new page
Insert or append a new page

Renaming a page

To rename a page:

  • Click on the page title to edit.
Renaming a page
Renaming a page

Selecting a page

To select a page:

  • Click on the dropdown and select a page from the list.
Selecting a page
Selecting a page
  • Alternatively, you can also click on the page up and page down buttons.

Page reordering

Reordering pages
Reordering pages

Pages can be rearranged in any order. To rearrange, drag and position any page as desired.

Deleting a page

To delete a page:

  • Switch to the page to be deleted, then click on the trash bin icon on pages menu.

Page previews

Previewing page
Previewing page

Click on the dropdown and hover a page to preview the contents.

Capital™ X Panel Designer