Add custom data

What is custom data?

Add JSON data to refer to in Capital X Panel Designer's page, document, shapes and even layers. Use it to help create Formulas and Plugins.

Add custom data

Custom data can be added to the page, document and shape.

  • At page level, go to File at the top of the editor and choose Page setup. Click on Custom JSON and add your data there.
  • To add data at document level, go to File again, but choose Document setup instead. Click on Custom JSON to add your data.
  • Right click on the shape, and hover over to Tools. Choose Custom JSON next.
Add custom data to your shape through the right click menu
Add custom data to your shape through the right click menu
  • To add data for a layer, click the menu on the layers dialog and choose Custom JSON. Layer Custom JSON

Use custom data

Accessing the custom data requires the use of the method .json(). Use the same method to access custom data in page, document and layer.

Capital™ X Panel Designer