July 22, 2020 · Capital X Panel Designer · Electrical CAD · What's New

How to Share Databases and Symbols for Electra E9

We are now part of Siemens’ family. Electra Cloud is now Capital Electra X and Electra E9 is now Capital Electra 2210.

While Electra automate your electrical CAD drawings and increase your productivity, the ability to share your work with fellow colleagues is even more powerful.

For example, if a colleague has created a symbol, you can simply use it instead of recreating it again. In Electra E9, sharing resources with the entire team is simply super easy:

Note: It is assumed that you have installed and activated both Electra on all user computers.

Sharing Component Database

By sharing the component database, new component entries by you or any colleagues will be usable throughout the entire team. Follow the steps below to share your database:

  • Browse to "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Electra E9\" folder and copy the database file name (.json) to a network folder, say "Z:\Electra\".
  • Click on File | Preferences | Files then click on Component Database Path, and it will open the "Browse" to set the database path to "Z:\Electra\".
  • To apply the changes, please restart the application.
  • Repeat the above for ALL USER COMPUTERS. Set path to share component database

That's it. Your database is now shared among team members.

Sharing symbols and stencils

To share symbols follow the steps below:

  • Browse to "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Electra E9\" folder and copy all stencils (.svg), to your network folder, say "Z:\Electra\".
  • Make sure Electra E9 can find your stencils:
    • Go to File | Preferences | Files. Change the stencil file path from "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Electra E9\" folder to "Z:\Electra\". To apply the changes, please restart the application. Set path to share symbols and stencils
  • Repeat setting of "Files" above for ALL USER COMPUTERS.

Interested to try out these cool features? Sign-up for a 30 day free trial here.

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Thomas Yip
Software Development Director

As the creator and founder of Electra Cloud, which is now known as Capital Electra X, he introduced the market to an innovative, disruptive, and fully cloud-native electrical CAD solution. The driving force behind Capital Electra X, he is committed to shaping the future of easy-to-use Electrical CAD software development. Find him on Linkedin.

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