The main Vecta namespace.
- Connect
- Control
- Document
- Guide
- Layer
- Length
- Menu
- Page
- Plugin
- Selection
- Shape
- Stencil
- Symbol
- linearGradient
- radialGradient
When a drawing is opened in a Vecta application, the drawing essentially becomes the active document.
To modify the current drawing, use the exposed methods and properties for Vecta.activeDoc.
Name | Type | Description |
activeDoc | Vecta.Document | The current active document. |
//Get the active document and return the id
var id =;
//Change the title for the current drawing
Vecta.activeDoc.title('My new title');
See also:
Each page can have multiple layers, but only a single layer can be the current active layer, where all shapes (except those that already have a layer) will be placed on the current active layer.
To obtain a reference to the active layer, use Vecta.activeLayer.
Once a reference has been obtained, you can use the exposed Vecta.Layer methods to modify the layer.
Name | Type | Description |
activeLayer | Vecta.Layer | The current active layer. |
//Get the current active layer's name
var layer_name =;
See also:
While each Vecta.Document can have one or more pages, only a single page can be active at any single time.
To get a reference to the current active page, use Vecta.activePage.
Once a reference has been obtained, you can use the Vecta.Page methods to modify the current active page.
Name | Type | Description |
activePage | Vecta.Page | The current active page. |
//Get the number of shapes on the active page
var count = Vecta.activePage.shapeCount();
See also:
.compress(src, [stringify]) Returns: Promise
Compress SVG
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
src | object | SVG to be compressed | |
stringify | boolean | optional | Indication whether to stringify the src |
Returns promise that resolves the exported SVG in String format
.createPlugin([name], [opts]) Returns: Promise
Creates a new plugin. User is owner by default, except for plugins created in a team drawing where team will be the owner
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | ||||||||||||
name | string | optional | Untitled Plugin | Name of new plugin | ||||||||||||
opts | object | optional | Options for new plugin
Returns new plugin id if created
Vecta.createPlugin().then(function (plugin){ //create a new plugin named "Untitled Plugin"
console.log(; // Untitled Plugin
See also:
.createStencil([name], [callback])
Creates a new stencil. By default, the user is the owner, except for stencils created in a team drawing where the team will be the owner.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
name | string | optional | Untitled Stencil | Name of the new stencil. |
callback | function | optional | Optional callback function to execute upon completion of create stencil. |
//create a new stencil named "Untitled Stencil"
See also:
Display dialog easily by just passing parameters
Name | Type | Description |
opt | object | Options to build the dialog structure |
title : 'Vecta Dialog Test', // The dialog title
content: [
//All content type can be styled by simply passing a style attribute
//Include right_input: true inside a content object to put label & input side by side - only for input, textarea, number, select, radio
//Include disable: true inside a content object to disable the input - only for input, textarea, number, dual, checkbox
{type: 'input' , placeholder: 'Please type something', label: 'Something', value: 'Something' , id: 'input_test', style: 'color: red', disable: true},
{type: 'textarea' , placeholder: 'Textarea here...', label: 'Textarea', value: 'Textarea content' , id: 'textarea_test', right_input: true},
type: 'dual' , //Will put 2 text input side by side
{label: 'First name', placeholder: 'First', value: 'John'},
{label: 'Last name', placeholder: 'Last', value: 'Doe', id: 'last_id'} //id is optional
{type: 'number', placeholder: 'Please type a number', label: 'Number', value: 'hai', id: 'number_test', step: 5},
{type: 'html' , html: '<hr>'},
{type: 'select' , label: 'Size (String array)' , options: ['XS', 'S', 'M' , 'L'], value: 'M', id: 'select_test'}, //Value will be same as the options label
{type: 'select' , label: 'Size (Object array)',
id : 'select_label',
options: [
{label: 'XSmall', value: 'XS'}, // Put custom values for each of the select
{label: 'Small', value: 'S'},
{label: 'Medium', value: 'M'},
{label: 'Large', value: 'L'}
value: 'M' //Select this option when dialog opened
type: 'checkbox',
boxes: [
{label: 'Check here' , id: 'checkbox_test'},
{label: 'Check again' , id: 'checkbox_second' , checked : true} //Set to checked
type: 'radio' ,
label: 'Select color',
group: 'color_radio', //Group the radios so you can have multiple rows with the same input
radios: [
{label: 'Red', value: 'red'},
{label: 'Blue', value: 'blue'}
type: 'radio',
group: 'color_radio',
radios: [
{label: 'Black', value: 'black'},
{label: 'Grey', value: 'grey'}
// Optional, only pass to customise buttons
buttons : [
{cancel: true , label: 'Close'} ,
{default: true , label: 'Submit' , style: 'background-color: red' , left: true}
open: function (evt) {
// Callback function to execute when opening the dialog
close: function (evt) {
// Callback function to execute when dialog is closed or cancelled
click: function (evt) {
// Callback function when any elements are clicked in the dialog
// evt.$dialog: the currently active dialog
// evt.$target the target being clicked on
valid : function ($target) {
// Callback function for inputs used for validation, where the $target is the input being validated
.download(name, content)
Shorthand method to initiate download.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of file to download |
content | Blob|string | Content of file to download. If string is given, file type will default to .txt |
.dropSVG(data, [pt], [silent])
Import single or multiple svg.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | |||||||||
data | string|string[] | String representation of svg | ||||||||||
pt | Point | optional | Starting point for importing svg
| |||||||||
silent | boolean | optional | Drop with message or without message. |
.exportSVG([page]) Returns: Promise
Export a page as SVG
If page is undefined, it will export based on current opened page
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
page | | optional | Vecta.activePage | Page to be exported as SVG |
Returns promise that resolves the exported SVG in String format
.getCustomFonts() Returns: Promise.<*>
Get all custom fonts
.getDoc() Returns: Promise.<string>
Get Vecta SVG document
.getPointOnPath(list, t) Returns: Point
Get a point from the path list with the provided ratio value
Name | Type | Description |
list | PathList[] | The path list that contained list of segments |
t | Number | The ratio of the point on the path list |
Return the coordinate of the point
Hides the message shown by Vecta.showMessage.
If message is not shown, there will be no effect.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
unlock | boolean | optional | false | Unlock and hide the message |
Vecta.hideMessage(); //Hide the message
See also:
.importFont(url) Returns: *
Import font into the editor
Name | Type | Description |
url | URL of the font file |
Load Vecta SVG document
Name | Type | Description |
svg | string |
To load app menu
Name | Type | Description |
file | string | The icon file to load |
.loadStencil(id, [options]) Returns: Promise
Loads a stencil with the given ID.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | |||||||||||||||
id | string | The ID of the stencil to load. | ||||||||||||||||
options | object | optional | Optional parameters to determine how the stencil should be loaded.
Returns the Promise that resolves loaded stencil object
//load the stencil with id === xxx onto the editor
See also:
Display a notify message that will fade on the editor screen.
Name | Type | Description |
mssg | string | The message to display. |
.off(events, [selector]) Returns: object
Function to turn off event listeners.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
events | string | One or more events to turn off. | |
selector | string | optional | A selector which should match the one when attaching event handlers. |
Vecta global object
Examples:'selectionModified.Vecta', function () {});
.on(events, handler) Returns: object
Function to listen to events.
Name | Type | Description |
events | string | One or more events to listen to. |
handler | function | The event handler. |
Vecta global object
Vecta.on('selectionModified.Vecta', function () {});
.once(events, handler) Returns: object
Function to listen to events once only, after which the event listener will be removed.
Name | Type | Description |
events | string | One or more events to listen to. |
handler | function | The event handler. |
Vecta global object
Vecta.once('selectionModified.Vecta', function () {});
.parseSVG(svg) Returns: jQuery
Parse string to SVG
Name | Type | Description |
svg | string | String to be parsed into SVG |
Returns $ jQuery wrapper for parsed SVG.
.serialize(node, [keep_namespace]) Returns: string
Serialize node to string and remove some extra attributes.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
node | node | Node object | |
keep_namespace | boolean | optional | If true the namespace will be kept and if false or undefined will remove it |
Returns serialized node.
.showMessage(mssg, [loading], [lock])
Show centered message in the application, suitable to indicate operations being performed.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
mssg | string | The message to be shown | ||
loading | boolean | optional | false | Show loading animation |
lock | boolean | optional | false | Lock the message to prevent other codes to hide it, until we unlock it with Vecta.hideMessage(true) |
//Show message with loading animation
Vecta.showMessage('Message', true);
See also:
.sluggify(str) Returns: string
Sluggify string. Replace special character with dash (-) character.
Name | Type | Description |
str | string | String to be sluggified |
Returns sluggified string
.trigger(event, [data]) Returns: object
Function to fire events, equivalent to v.$win.trigger, for vecta events only and not for js events.
Namespace is encouraged for all events, so these events can be removed easily.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
event | string | The event to trigger. | |
data | object | optional | The data to pass to the event listener. |
Vecta global object
Fired when changes in drawing is saved.
//Show message whenever the drawing's changes are saved
Vecta.on('documentSaved.Vecta', function () {
$.notify('Drawing saved');
Fired when json on a shape has been modified.
Fired when page has been added to the drawing.
Vecta.on('newPageAdded.Vecta', function (e, page) {
page.drawRect(0, 0, 100, 100); // draw a rectangle after adding a new page
Fired when the index of pages is changed.
//Attach listener to get the old page index
Vecta.on('pageIndexChanged.Vecta', function (e, old_indexes) {
console.log(old_indexes); // { page_id_1: { old: number }, page_id_2: { old: number } }
Indicates that the selection has changed through user interface.
//Attach listener to selection modified and log the number of shapes
Vecta.on('selectionModified.Vecta', function () {
var shapes = Vecta.selection.shapes(),
moves = (shape) { return shape.moveU(); }); // shapes coordinates
shapes.sort(function (a, b) {
a.text().localeCompare(b.text()); //sort the shapes based on their text
}).forEach(function (shape, index) {
shape.move(moves[index].x, moves[index].y); //rearrange the shapes
Fired when shapes has been added to the drawing.
Fired when shapes has been deleted on the drawing.
Fired when shapes has been moved on the drawing.
Fired when text on a shape has been modified.